Early assessment of provincial government on funding possibilities.
Preliminary student enrolment numbers begin to come in.
A preliminary budget forecast is developed by Western's Office of Institutional Planning and Budgeting (IPB).
Provost holds Dean's Retreat where issues and priorities are discussed.
Board of Governors Retreat with high level discussions regarding any issues and the vision for the coming year.
Budget planning guidelines issued to Faculties and Support Units outlining parameters for the coming year.
Town Halls for members of Western community to learn more about internal and external funding landscape that will inform the upcoming budget planning cycle.
Planning meetings with Faculties and large Support Units with the Provost, Vice-Presidents and the Associate Vice-President (Planning and Budgeting). Each Faculty and Support Unit presents its plan/budget based on the planning guidelines. The plan will also include requests for funding to support new priority initiatives.
Provost reviews the Faculty and Support Unit plans with the President and Vice-Presidents and presents preliminary recommendations for all the units for discussion.
Based on feedback, the Provost develops final recommendations.
Planning meetings take place with smaller Support Units.
Overall University-level budget forecasts are refined.
Provost's formal letters outlining the budget recommendations are sent to Deans and Budget Unit Heads.
IPB refines multi-year forecasts of enrolments, revenues, and expenditures. This includes detailed line-by-line forecasts on revenue items (including various government funding envelopes and tuition revenues).
On the expenditure side, the projections involve a number of line items such employee salaries, utility costs, insurance, library costs, student aid, IT infrastructure, etc.
Operating and Capital Budgets, tuition and other fees are presented to the Senate Committee on University Planning (SCUP).
Operating and Capital Budgets, tuition and other fees are presented to Senate for advice to the Board.
The Board's P & F Committee reviews Operating and Capital Budgets, tuition and other fees.
Operating and Capital Budgets, tuition and other fees go to the Board for final approval.